Special Film Preview:
Cape Spin: An American Power Struggle

Date: Wednesday 30 November 2011
Time: 17:30
Place: Forum Room

Participants joined the producers of Cape Spin: An American Power Struggle, for a special EWEA OFFSHORE 2011 sneak preview on Wednesday 30 November 2011 at 17:30 in the Forum Room.

A true game-changer for the offshore wind industry, Cape Spin chronicles the saga of the Cape Wind Project, America's first proposed offshore wind farm and one of the decade's most confounding political battles.

Before the screening, Neil Jeffery from Renewable World gave a brief talk on Mapping out successful corporate responsibility for the renewable energy industry. The renewable energy industry is quickly developing, growing and maturing - but success also brings new challenges. As stakeholders hold the industry to account in increasingly stringent ways, it is crucial for the wind industry to develop a professional approach and manage the social dimension of running a successful business.

After the screening the filmmakers held court with Jim Gordon, the president of Cape Wind Associates, and several other experts to explore the lessons of Cape Wind and what it takes to develop large-scale offshore wind along America's densely populated coastlines.

Cape Spin: An American Power Struggle

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