Pre-event seminar:
Wind Energy - The Facts: Offshore

Wind Energy - The Facts

Monday 28 November 2011, Amsterdam

Building on the success of its 'Wind Energy - The Facts' publication, widely considered to be the most reliable reference published to date, EWEA preceded EWEA OFFSHORE 2011 with an introduction to wind energy, with a particular focus on offshore.

Presentations delivered at the pre-event seminar are available to pre-event seminar delegates (via access restricted link sent by) and EWEA members (on request: please email tr(at) 


Session One: The basics: wind and wind turbines

Chair: Jacopo Moccia, Head of Policy Analysis Unit, EWEA

The evolution of the offshore wind energy industry:
• The first offshore wind farm;
• The biggest offshore wind farm (to date);
• Installed capacity;
• Market shares;
• Future growth;
• Trends.

Jacopo Moccia, Head of Policy Analysis Unit, EWEA

The fundamentals of offshore wind energy:
•  Offshore wind turbine design: how they work;
•  Different types onshore and offshore;
•  How they are evolving (R&D).

Jos Beurskens, Senior Scientist, ECN Wind Energy, The Netherlands

Introduction to offshore wind resources:
• Advantages & disadvantages of moving offshore;
• Pre-construction;
• Resource assessment;
• Predicting offshore winds;
 – Climate;
 – Vertical profiles;
• Impacts on offshore resources;
 – Changes in roughness;
 – Sea breezes, low-level jets.

Hans Ejsing Jørgensen, Head of Meteorology Programme, Risø-DTU National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Denmark


Session Two: Offshore wind energy supply chain

Chair: Anne-Bénédicte Genachte, Regulatory Affairs Advisor – Offshore, EWEA

Turbines and substructures:
•  Introduction;
•  Offshore wind turbines;
•  Offshore substructures.

Athanasia Arapogianni, Research Officer, EWEA

Ports & vessels:
•  Vessels for the installation of foundations and wind turbine generators;
•  Subsea cable installation;
•  Substation installation;
•  Ports.

Erik ter Horst GL Garrad Hassan Nederland B.V.


Session Three: Broader Issues

Chair: Dorina Iuga, ‘Wind Energy – The Facts’ Project Manager, EWEA

Local environmental issues:
•  Potential environmental impacts (in comparison to onshore wind);
•  Best practices of the wind industry;
•  Technical mitigation measures (tested or implemented).

Angeliki Koulouri, Research Officer, EWEA

Grid issues:
•  Applicable regulatory regime;
•  Connection requirements;
•  Electrical design equipment capabilities.

Colin Morgan, Regional Manager – UK, Ireland, Italy, Scandinavia, GL Garrad Hassan

Project Finance:
•  Theory;
•  Contractual packages;
•  Debt sizing principles;
•  Risk analysis.

Jérôme Guillet, Green Giraffe Energy Bankers, France

Wind Energy - The Facts

The 'Wind Energy – The Facts' publication is widely considered to be the most important wind energy reference in the world. It presents a detailed overview of the wind energy sector, with the most up-to-date and in-depth information on the essential issues concerning wind power today.

'Wind Energy - The Facts' (hardback, 488 pages, ISBN: 978184407710) was published in March 2009 and can be ordered from the publisher, Earthscan

EWEA members receive a 20% discount when ordering 'Wind Energy - The Facts' or any other publication by Earthscan.

The full contents of the book is downloadable free of charge in PDF format from

'Wind Energy - The Facts' is a European project financed by the Intelligent Energy - Europe programme of the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation. For more information see

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