Monthly Archives: October 2013

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Ministers and industry chiefs to debate 2030 targets

Political and industry leaders will debate ‘2030 targets – the magic number?’ on the opening day of EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 on 19 November in Frankfurt.

Confirmed speakers:

  • Daniel Johansson, State Secretary, Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communication, Sweden
  • Melchior Wathelet, Secretary of State for the Environment, Energy and Mobility, Belgium
  • Jos Delbeke, Director-General for Climate Action, European Commission
  • Jens Tommerup, CEO Vestas-MHI Offshore Joint Venture, Denmark
  • Henrik Poulsen, CEO, DONG Energy

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Match making & HR advisory services page

The aim of match making is to help recruiting companies set up meetings with potential candidates.

The Greenfish team will contact companies that want to take part to gather the necessary information. They will then provide a job specification and, once approved by both parties, Greenfish will arrange face-to-face interviews to take place on site on 21 November 2013.

For more information, please contact: [email protected] or +32 472 21 15 99.

The Greenfish team will be on site to answer companies’ HR-related questions and advise candidates / employees on their career path. We suggest you get in early and book a meeting before the event.

Please email us with your availability details the issues you would like to discuss: [email protected]. If you choose to wait until the day itself, meetings will be organised on a first-come, first-served basis.

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10 most wanted profiles in the offshore wind industry

The “10 most wanted profiles survey” is being carried out by Greenfish as part of the EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 careers day. Two questionnaires, designed by Greenfish (one for candidates/employees and one for employers), will define the 10 most wanted profiles in the European offshore wind sector. These profiles will be shared with you during the careers day on 21 November.

Candidates that fall into one of these 10 profile categories will be invited to take part in a matchmaking exercise. The will then be offered an interview with companies looking for people with their skill set.

The aims of the survey are to:

1.    identify the current 10 most wanted profiles in the offshore wind energy sector
2.    help companies that are currently recruiting to meet potential candidates

We encourage potential candidates/employees to take part to find out:

  • if their profiles match those identified by recruiting companies
  • what skills and experience are in demand

Take part in the survey for candidates !

We encourage EWEA members and exhibitors that are currently recruiting to take part to:

  • discover the most in demand profiles (are your competitors looking for the same profiles as you)?
  • give EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 participants your view of the employment situation in the sector

Take part in the survey for companies !

Exhibitors can also find out how to take part in the exhibitor zone.

Please note: by taking part in the survey you are not committing to any recruitment services. Recruitment missions will be processed only upon request and after a feasibility study has been carried out. For more detailed information, please contact the Greenfish team at: [email protected] or by phone: +32 2 333 09 90.

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Careers day at EWEA OFFSHORE 2013

Interested in the offshore wind sector?

The offshore wind industry is booming and this trend is set to continue – and companies are always on the lookout for people with the right skills and experience. The careers day aims to bring together potential employers and job seekers – so whether you’re looking for potential candidates or seeking a job in the offshore wind sector, this is the place to be.

Come to our careers day if you’re:

  • concerned with recruitment issues and would like to contribute to the debate
  • working in human resources and are looking for recruitment solutions
  • looking for a job in the offshore wind sector
  • not actively looking to change jobs but want to know more about market trends and training opportunities in the offshore wind sector
  • working at a university and able to offer study programmes for students interested in the offshore wind sector

The careers day at EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 will centre around the following events and activities:

Who can attend?

Our careers day is free of charge to anyone registered as a conference delegate, exhibition visitor or exhibitor (for EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 on Thursday 21 November).
To attend the employment and training seminar it is sufficient to have an exhibition visitor pass.
See the EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 registration page for more information and how to register.

Organised by EWEA in association with Greenfish:


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Maryland: The gateway to North America’s offshore wind markets and industry

Wednesday 20 November 2013, 13:00-14:00
Messe Frankfurt, Hall 3, level Via, West, room Facette

On 9 April 2013, Governor Martin O’Malley signed into law the Maryland Offshore Wind Energy Act (MOWEA) of 2013. With his signature, Maryland became the first state in the United States to create both a market for offshore wind energy and to provide certainty that developers have transparent access to 20 years of sustained financial support for the construction of the initial mid-Atlantic offshore wind project.
This bill is also a catalyst to jumpstart a new industry in Maryland that could benefit the United States.

The panelists will provide an overview of how Maryland’s policy works; the timeline leading to construction and deployment; ongoing transmission and port infrastructure transitions; state-wide supply chain development; skills, training and economic development packages as well as academic engagement.

For groups with European offshore wind deployment experience, Maryland’s comprehensive strategy offers a path forward and early access to North America’s promising offshore clean energy future. Join us to learn more. Lunch will be provided.

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Workshops on wind opportunities in France and Germany

Wednesday, 20 November, 14:00-19:00
Messe Frankfurt, Hall 3, level Via, East, room Kontrast

FEE, the French Wind Energy Association, organizes a workshop on challenges and opportunities of the French offshore market.
The French-German Office for Renewable Energies organizes a workshop on opportunities and prospects for offshore wind industry in France and Germany.
These two workshops will be followed by a networking reception.


14:00-15:30    “A Green Energy for a Blue Growth: Challenges and opportunities of the French offshore wind market” (FEE, the French Wind Energy Association)

Discussion will cover:

  • The French wind energy market in a leading European wind energy market
  • Challenges and opportunities of the French offshore wind market
  • Current projects, feedbacks from the French offshore wind first round and next steps
  • Conditions of development for offshore wind industry in France
  • Benefits for territories of offshore wind energy transition

Coordinated by Pierre Parvex, Director of Development for Renewable energies at GDF Suez and Member of the Board of Directors of FEE


  • Introduction by Anne-Bénédicte Genachte, European Wind Energy Association – EWEA
  • Georgina Grenon, Directorate for Energy, Ministry of Ecology and Energy
  • Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol, President of Haute-Normandie Region
  • Christophe Clergeau, 1st Vice-president of Pays de La Loire Region
  • Philippe Kavafyan, Executive Director for France, AREVA Wind
  • Jean-François Petit, Deputy Director, EOLE-Res
  • Hélène Gelas, Lawyer, CGR Legal

The round-table conference will be in French with simultaneous interpretation into English. It will be followed by a workshop from the Franco-German Office for Renewables (OFA EnR) from 15:45 to 17:45 and a networking reception at 18:00.

To attend this workshop, first register for EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 then sign up for this workshop here:


15:45-17:45    “Opportunities and prospects for the offshore wind industry in France and Germany” (FRENCH-GERMAN OFFICE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGIES)

This workshop aims to discuss opportunities and prospects for the offshore wind industry in France and in Germany. Speakers from EWEA, Areva Wind, Alstom and the German Offshore foundation will talk about the current status of the offshore wind business in France and in Germany, as well as challenges in grid connection. They will also present examples for regional investments and how to encourage the development of a competitive industry.

All presentations will be held in French and in German with simultaneous translation.

15:45-15:55 Welcome speech, Mélanie Persem, Director, French-German Office for Renewable Energies
15:55-16:10 Encouraging industrial development of offshore wind energy in Europe – challenges and opportunities (comparison France-Germany), Anne-Bénédicte Genachte, Regulatory Affairs Advisor Offshore Wind Power, EWEA
16:10-16:30 Regional investment for developing a competitive offshore wind industry in France – the example of Bremerhaven, Philippe Kavafyan, Managing Director Offshore France, Areva Wind
16:30-16:50 Offshore wind energy in Germany: costs, potential and industrial value, Andreas Wagner, Managing Director, German Offshore foundation
16:50-17:10 The DolWin3 project and offshore grid connection in Germany: challenges and recommendations, Grégoire Bour, Commercial Director, Alstom Grid
17:10-17:45 Questions and resume

To attend this workshop, first register for EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 then sign up for this workshop here:

Organised by:

FEE logo     FR-DE_Koordiniergungsstelle_400x95

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Wind Turbine FAST Simulation Tool Workshop

Wednesday 20 November, 09:00-17:00
Messe Frankfurt, Forum, level C, room Substanz

In partnership with the Endowed Chair of Wind Energy (SWE) at the University of Stuttgart and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), in this workshop, Dr. Jonkman (NREL) will present the FAST wind turbine computer-aided engineering (CAE) software tool developed by NREL. Widely used internationally by primarily researchers and also in industry, this is of great interest to the wind energy community in Europe working with coupled simulation tools.

Through the US Department of Energy support, NREL has sponsored the development, verification, and validation of various CAE tools for prediction of wind turbine performance, loads, and response. The workshop will focus on the coupled wind turbine aero-hydro-servo-elastic CAE tool FAST. The workshop will present the basic theory, structure, capabilities, and future plans of this tool and sample simulations will be run to demonstrate its features. Attendees should bring a laptop if they wish to run the sample simulations.

For more information about the workshop:

To attend this workshop, first register for EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 then contact  Jason.Jonkman(at) to sign up for this workshop. Attention! Places to this workshop are limited. Check availability before registering.

Organised by:

SWE  nrel

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Seminar: New offshore tenders in Denmark

Wednesday, 20 November, 09:00-10:30
Messe Frankfurt, Forum, Level 0, room Agenda (press conference room)


This seminar will provide you with the latest information concerning the status of the three offshore tenders in Denmark – 450 MW of near shore projects and the two major offshore projects at Horns Rev 3 (400 MW) and Kriegers Flak (600 MW).

The seminar delivers insight into the newly published contract notice for Horns Rev 3, provides you with updates of the time schedules for the tender processes and informs you of the latest results from the geophys/geotech campaigns with respect to Horns Rev 3 and Kriegers Flak.

The seminar highlights the attractive near shore projects and explains in more detail the innovative mechanisms in place for securing local support.

The seminar also offers insight into the Danish offshore wind supply chain and the unique opportunities for full scale testing in Denmark.


09.00     Welcome

  • Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Danish Wind Industry Association

09.05     Upcoming near shore projects and offshore tenders in Denmark

  • Lisbeth Nielsen, Senior Advisor, Danish Energy Agency
  • Peter Sehestedt, Policy Advisor, Danish Energy Agency
  • Betina Gorrissen, Policy Advisor, Danish Energy Agency
  • Stig Berendt Marstal, Geophysicist,

09.55     LORC Nacelle Testing – Indoor testing of full scale nacelles up to 10 MW

  • Lars Stylsvig Rasmussen, Project Manager, LORC
  • Tea Hviid, Head of Communication, LORC

10.05     Setting up wind business in Denmark

  • Peder Bo Sorensen, Regional Project Manager, Invest in Denmark

10.15     Standing theme based Q&A


Organised by:

invest-dk1 Energistyrelsen_logo




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Design tool for offshore wind farm clusters

Tuesday 19 November, 16:00-18:00
Messe Frankfurt, Forum, level C, room Substanz 1&2

EERA–DTOC is a EU (FP7) funded project that aims at designing a robust modelling tool to better plan offshore wind farms so that they produce as much power as possible.

Developers, strategic planners, wind farm operators and others in the wind industry will be able to use the tool given the unique advantages it is set to bring to the planning process.

Speakers from DTU Wind Energy, Fraunhofer, CENER and ECN will provide participants with the latest intermediary findings, explain the main steps during the development stages, and reveal how the tool will be tested.

Participants will discover the key elements of this new tool, including:

  • A number of standardized and efficient wake modelling cases for offshore clusters for an optimum space between wind turbines in the same farm,
  • Procedures for the optimization of the electrical design of offshore wind farm clusters including the provision of power plant system services by the clusters,
  • Accurate values of the expected net energy yield from clusters of wind farms as well as the uncertainty ranges.


16:00-16:10 Welcome and introduction
Peter Hauge Madsen/Charlotte Bay Hasager, DTU Wind Energy
16:10-16:25 Project achievements: wake modelling – energy yield production of wind farm clusters
Alfredo Peña, DTU Wind Energy
16:25-16:40 Project achievements: grid interconnection optimisation and power plant system services
Luis Mariano Faiella, IWES Frauhofer
16:40-16:55 Project achievements: resources and energy yield
Elena Cantero Nouqueret, CENER
16:55-17:10 From integration to development of the EERA-DTOC tool: main steps and challenges
Gregor Giebel, DTU Wind Energy
16:55-17:10 Validate and demonstrate the design tool: scenarios and demos
Gerard Schepers, ECN
17:25-17:40  Open debate with the audience, questions and final comments

To attend this workshop, first register for EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 then sign up for this workshop here:



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UK offshore wind market development workshop

Tuesday 19 November, 12:30-16:00
Messe Frankfurt, Hall 3, level Via, West, room Facette

The UK’s global reputation as a world leader in the offshore wind sector is supported by a stable political environment, strong government support and Europe’s best wind conditions. The market opportunity has already attracted global energy firms to locate their business in Britain.


At EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 in Frankfurt, UK Trade & Investment will be there to support and enable companies looking to invest in the British market and promote companies that have gained experience in the UK to export into overseas markets in particular wider EU opportunities.

New start-ups and expanding enterprises can hear about the latest developments in the Electricity Market Reform providing long term certainty for investors, the recently announced Offshore Wind Investment Organisation as part of the governments’ Industrial Strategy, allocating dedicated resource to the rapid enhancement of the UK industry and more on the plans for technology development, business support and planning.

The workshop will be of interest to developers, OEM’s and service providers alike seeking to put the UK’s progress into perspective against wider EU programmes. There will be an opportunity to address our technical and legislative experts individually and hear first-hand how you make the most out of the unique UK market.

Meet with British companies at the British stand D120 in hall 3.1. Find out about the opportunities in the UK offshore industry and schedule a 1-2-1 meeting with a UKTI Trade Expert.

Schedule a meeting today

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Tractebel Engineering – Networking lunch

Tuesday 19 November 2013, 12:00-14:00
Messe Frankfurt, Hall 3, level Via, East, room Kontrast

Tractebel Engineering is organising an Exclusive Networking Lunch on 19th  November 2013 to celebrate the opening of this year’s EWEA OFFSHORE event. Tractebel Engineering invites a selection of Top Executives, on invitation only, to network and relax with a welcome drink followed by a walking luncheon. This event is the occasion to meet and discuss with key players in the industry.

Tractebel Engineering offers you multidisciplinary experience in Renewable Energies, including offshore and onshore wind, solar, biomass, hydroelectricity as well as marine and geothermal energy. In the real spirit of partnership, creating value for you, our Engineering and Consultancy Services bring a new breath of air to your projects and a second wind to your existing installations…while keeping you and your project firmly anchored.



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IEA Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration

Tuesday, 19 November, 09:00-17:00
Messe Frankfurt, Hall 3, level C, East, room Effekt

One way to identify inaccuracies and errors in new computer models and simulations is to compare their outputs under a wide range of conditions. To compare the codes used to design support structures for offshore wind turbines, the Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration (OC3) began in 2004, within Subtask 2 of the IEA Wind Task 23 Offshore Wind Technology and Deployment.

Experts from eighteen organisations in ten countries made code-to-code comparisons to improve the codes’ predictive capability for offshore wind energy structural loads. By 2009, the collaboration completed four work packages or phases, all built on a common 5-MW reference wind turbine model developed in previous work by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States.

Task 30 OC4 continues the work begun in Task 23. Over an additional four-year period (2010 through 2013). The operating agent organizations (managers) of the work are the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology IWES in Germany. There are two work packages (1.5 years each): focused on jacket support structure and floating semisubmersible, respectively. An experts meeting was held in 2012. Each work package and the experts meeting of verification data sets results in final reports.

For more information about the workshop:

To attend this workshop, first register for EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 then contact Amy.Robertson@(at) to sign up for this workshop. Attention! Places to this workshop are limited. Check availability before registering.

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European offshore wind industry needs regulatory stability and a post-2020 EU legislative framework

EWEA OFFSHORE 2013 – press registration now open

Between € 90 billion and € 123 billion are needed by the European offshore wind energy industry to meet its 2020 target of 40 GW. Yet the main obstacle to development is not the availability of the funding but the regulatory instability freezing the industry, a new report will show.
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