Polish Day, Monday 19 April 2010

The Polish Wind Energy Association is pleased to have hosted EWEC 2010 in Warsaw, which featured a ‘Polish Day’, giving attendees the opportunity to participate in a number of sessions dedicated to the Polish wind energy market.

When: Monday 19 April 2010, the day before the start of EWEC

Venue: Hilton Hotel, Warsaw

The conference consisted of 4 parallel sessions and delegates were able to meet the most important wind energy players in Poland and learn about the key issues related to the Polish market.

For full information on the Polish Wind Energy Association's 'Polish Day' at EWEC 2010 see: www.conference2010.pwea.pl

Wind energy in Poland

According to The Energy Regulatory Office the total capacity installed onshore in Poland reached 451 MW in 2008. Estimates made by the Polish Wind Energy Association reveal that employment in the wind energy sector in Poland for 2008 can be estimated at 1200 jobs, most of it in development companies

Poland needs to source 15% of its energy from renewables by 2020. Renewable energy production in Poland is based on biomass, biogas, wind or water, with the largest capacity currently in hydroelectric power stations. However, the Polish Wind Energy Association estimates that onshore wind capacity may reach 2000 MW by 2010, 5000 MW by 2015 and 12000 MW by 2020. It also estimates that wind energy can easily cover 12% of Poland’s energy demands in 2020.

Around 174 704 m2 of land in Poland is well-suited to wind energy development, out of which 11 296 m2 is a designated NATUR A 2000 area. Environmental considerations for this area are therefore more complex, but do not preclude the development of wind parks.

Poland is a good country to invest in wind energy as it has enormous potential and there is a huge investment capacity, including for offshore wind parks in the near future.

"... a stimulating encouragement to wind energy research"
Durham University, UK