REserviceS Regional Workshop – Transmission and Distribution case studies

REserviceS logo“Economic grid support from variable renewables”

Frequency and voltage support at high shares of wind and solar PV on the Iberian Peninsula

Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Melía Galgos Hotel, Calle de Claudio Coello, 139, Madrid, Spain


Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Time Subject
09:00-09:30 Registration and welcome coffee
09:30-09:40 Grid support services covered by REserviceS
Iván Pineda, Research Officer Grids & Market, EWEA
09:40-09:55 Key note speech: future challenges for grid support services on the Iberian peninsula
Pablo Frías Marín (Responsible for the Smartgrids and Renewable Energy Integration Research Group, Professor at the Power System Department), Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica – Universidad Pontificia Comillas
09:55-10:20 Grid support services by wind and solar PV: opportunities, costs and capabilities
Paul Kreutzkamp (Senior Renewable Energy Engineer), 3E
Mariano Faiella (Research Engineer), Fraunhofer IWES
10:20-11:30 Grid support from wind and solar PV in the system
Session chair: Frans Van Hulle, XPWind, REserviceS Technical Coordinator
Transmission system: Iberian Case study
Juha Kiviluoma (Sr. Scientist – Team Manager for Wind Integration), VTT
Distribution system: Spain and Portugal case studies
Diana Craciun, Fraunhofer IWESInteractive debate with the public.
11:30-11:50 Coffee break
11:50-13:15 Panel: Grid support services in transmission and distribution networks on the Iberian peninsula
Moderator: Iván Pineda (Research Officer grids & Internal Market), EWEA:

  • Miguel Lorenzo Sotelo (Research & Development and European projects), Red Eléctrica de España
  • Pedro Godinho Matos (InovGrid – Business Development), EDP Distribuição
  • Gustavo Quiñonez Varela (Power Systems – Grid Integration), Acciona Energía
  • Jorge Tello (Active Networks and Distributed Energy Resources Integration), Unión Fenosa Distribución
  • Ricardo Bessa (Senior Researcher), INESC TEC Porto

Conclusions by moderator.

13:15-14:15 Networking lunch
14:15-16:00 Round table: Grid support services from renewables at EU level: putting the pieces together
Moderator: Juha Kiviluoma(Sr. Scientist – Team Manager for Wind Integration), VTTPresentation: “European-wide support from onshore/offshore wind and solar PV”.Panel:

  • Javier Paradinas (Head of Markets, Operation and Scheduling of Energy Management – Iberdrola), representing the European Federation of Energy Traders EFET
  • Alejandro Gesino (Renewable Energies
    Market Concepts – Tennet TSO GmbH), representing ENTSO-E
  • David Trebolle (Head of Active networks, grid control and advanced network analysis applications – Unión Fenosa Distribución) representing EDSO for Smart Grids
  • Manoël Rekinger (Technology Advisor), European Photovoltaic Industry Association, EPIA
  • Frans Van Hulle, XPWind, REserviceS Technical Coordinator
  • Stephan Wachtel (Principal Engineer), GE Energy

Conclusions by moderator.

16:00-17:00 Networking cocktail


This REserviceS workshop was jointly organised by:

European Photovoltaic Industry Association - EPIA European Wind Energy Association - EWEA


With the support of:

Intelligent Energy Europe