REserviceS Regional Workshop – Distribution case studies

REserviceS logo“Renewables supporting distribution networks”

Frequency and voltage support at high shares of wind and solar PV

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Fraunhofer Institute, Königstor 59, 34119, Kassel, Germany

Meeting room: 4th floor


Thursday, 19 September 2013
Time Subject
09:00-09:30 Registration and welcome coffee
09:30-09:40 Ancillary services at distribution level by REserviceS
Sharon Wokke (Project Manager), EWEA
09:40-09:55 Key note speech
Sophie Müller-Godeffroy (National and European electricity market – Integration and EU aspects for renewable energies), BMU
09:55-10:15 Ancillary services by solar PV and wind: opportunities, costs and capabilities
Karel De Brabandere (Senior Expert for PV Forecasting and System Integration), 3E
Mariano Faiella (Research Engineer), Fraunhofer IWES
10:15-11:15 Panel: provision of ancillary services by wind and solar PV to the German distribution system
Moderator: Manoël Rekinger (Technology Advisor), European Photovoltaic Industry Association – EPIA
Presentation: German Case Study – Diana Craciun, Fraunhofer IWES

  • Bernhard Ernst (Director Grid Integration), SMA Solar Technology AG
  • Diana Craciun, Fraunhofer IWES
  • Eike Erdmann (Grid Integration Engineer), Enercon

Conclusion by moderator.

11:15-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:30 Grid support services to distribution systems across Southern Europe
Session chair: Florian Chapalain (Policy Officer), EDSO for Smart Grids

  • Henares Corridor (Spain) – Juan Saavedra (Active Operation Management and Advanced Applications), Unión Fenosa Distribución
  • Evora (Portugal) – Ricardo Prata (Chief of Department), EDP Distribução
  • Apulia (Italy) – Raphael Rinaldi (Smart Grids and New Technologies), ENEL
    Interactive discussion with the public.
12:30-13:30 Networking lunch
13:30-15:00 Round table: Provision of grid support services by renewables – interactive debate between TSOs and DSOs
Moderator: Paul Wilczek (Sr. Regulatory Affairs Adviser Grids & Internal Market), EWEA

  • Alejandro Gesino (Renewable Energies Market Concepts), TenneT
  • Frans Van Hulle, REserviceS Technical Coordinator
  • Stephanie Ropenus, Bundesverband WindEnergie e.V.

Other invited panellists: TransnetBW, 50 Hertz, RWE, EWE Netz 
Conclusions by moderator.

15:00 Wrap up
Sharon Wokke (Project Manager), EWEA

This REserviceS workshop was jointly organised by:

European Photovoltaic Industry Association - EPIA European Wind Energy Association - EWEA


With the support of:

Intelligent Energy Europe