EWEA-TWEA Policy Workshop
Wind energy in Turkey: harnessing a great potential

Turkish Wind Energy Association, TWEA/TÜREB logo27 March 2013, Ankara, Turkey

Jointly organised by EWEA and the Turkish Wind Energy Association, TWEA/TÜREB


Taner Yildiz, Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources at EWEA-TWEA Policy Workshop, Ankara, 27 March 2013

Identified as a key emerging market since 2009, Turkey remains one of the key potential markets for growth in the coming years. The favourable macroeconomic situation, the increasing electricity demand, the good wind resources and the ambitious targets all point to a promising future for wind power in Turkey. The growth of the wind power market is one of the highest in Europe but reaching the 20 GW target by 2023 remains a tall order.

The workshop examined the bottlenecks that could be slowing down this growth, while weighing in on longer term debates including Turkey’s trade policy and energy mix for the coming decades.


Download the programme (PDF – in Turkish and English)

Presentations to download:

Pierre Tardieu, Regulatory Affairs Advisor – Member States and Trade, EWEA (PDF – in English)

Kemal Yıldır, General Manager, TEİAS, Turkey (PDF – in Turkish)

Audience at EWEA-TWEA Policy Workshop, Ankara, 27 March 2013Halil Alış, General Manager, EUAS (PDF – in Turkish)

Kor Ozay, Senior Manager, Business Development, Enel Green Power, Turkey (PDF – in English)

Kenan Hayfavi, Deputy General Manager, GAMA, Turkey (PDF – Turkish)

Yusuf Yazar, General Manager, General Directorate of Renewable Energy (YEGM), Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (PDF – Turkish)

Audience at EWEA-TWEA Policy Workshop, Ankara, 27 March 2013Ronald Steenblik, Senior Trade Policy Analyst, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, OECD, France (PDF – English)

Joachim Monkelbaan, Global platform Programme Officer (Climate Change and Energy), International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development, ICTSD, Switzerland (PDF – English)

Stephane Bourgeois, Head of Regulatory Affairs, EWEA, Belgium (PDF – English)


Mustafa Serdar Ataseven, President, TWEA at EWEA-TWEA Policy Workshop, Ankara, 27 March 2013

Zafer Demircan, General Manager, Energy Affairs General Manager, Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources (PDF – Turkish)

Mustafa Özgür Berke, Conservation Supervisor, WWF, Turkey (PDF – Turkish)