Portuguese children learn about wind energy on Global Wind Day

» By | Published 27 Jun 2011 |

By Vera Costa, Enercon


Finally Global Wind Day arrived. But on 15 June it looked like god Eólo didn’t get along with god Sun and princess Rain… we had rain in the morning, which meant postponing activities outside with the kids to the afternoon. Luckily by then we had a party with huge sunshine over us! The local community also took the opportunity to join the party. All over town you could see the Global Wind Day pinwheels spinning, spinning, spinning!

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Radar and wind turbines – learning to live together

» By | Published 23 Jun 2011 |

Some of the most significant objections to wind farms have come from aviation authorities.

Rotating wind turbines have been found to confuse radar systems, potentially compromising air traffic control. Air traffic controllers say they have to differentiate between aircraft and wind turbines.

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Wind power exhibitions on tour in Bulgaria

» By | Published 21 Jun 2011 |

By Mariyana Yaneva, Bulgarian Wind Energy Association

This year, the Global Wind Day was celebrated in Sofia for the first time. The Bulgarian Wind Energy Association organized an exhibition of photos, charts and technical instruments to present the modern wind industry, its heritage from the past and the opportunities wind power holds for the future.

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Global Wind Day festivities enthrall people around the world

» By | Published 21 Jun 2011 |

A sampling of last week’s Global Wind Day events — from New Zealand to Argentina, Belgium to Canada, the US to India, Australia to Japan — reveals a rapidly growing interest in harnessing the emissions-free power of wind energy.

In Buenos Aires, Argentina, children at a state school developed their imagination and creativity by drawing cartoons and comic strips which focused on learning about wind power’s many benefits.

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30% carbon reduction target could create 6 million jobs

» By | Published 21 Jun 2011 |

Young people across Europe are demanding that EU leaders raise their ambitions on climate change: the EU’s carbon reduction target should be a more ambitious 30% and not the current target of 20%. This is stated in a letter received today by Environment Ministers in all 27 Member States and co-signed by 21 European organisations.

The campaign, called ‘Push Europe’, centres on young people looking for careers in the low carbon economy of the future. It follows a declaration coordinated by WWF and signed by 72 businesses including household names like Coca-Cola, ASDA, IKEA and Google, also calling for a 30% reduction target.

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