Europe to remain global leader in offshore wind for at least a decade

» By | Published 13 Oct 2011 |

The European offshore wind sector will continue to lead the world market for the foreseeable future, according to a new report showing that the region will have 75% of global installations in six years.

Conducted by Pike Research, the report launched on Tuesday found revenues from offshore wind power production around the world would reach €75 billion by 2017.

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Why engaging the silent majority is becoming crucial to wind power

» By | Published 12 Oct 2011 |

By Jonathan Pyke, RenewableUK

It’s an oft-repeated fact that while the majority of people in the UK support renewable energy, when it comes to planning applications and community consultations, they are drowned out by a small but vocal minority. In times past, this may not have been such an issue, but with a planning system increasingly geared around local politics, people power needs harnessing just as much as the power of wind or wave.

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Setting 2030 renewables targets will help beat climate change

» By | Published 07 Oct 2011 |

Europeans take climate change seriously, as today’s Eurobarometer survey results show. Nearly nine in ten of us think it is a serious problem.
One of the major causes of climate change is greenhouse gas emissions. The EU has pledged to reduce its emissions by 80-95% by 2050. To get there, we will need a zero carbon power sector by 2050 – that means emissions-free electricity.

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Despite the financial crisis, EU wind should expect steady growth

» By | Published 07 Oct 2011 |

Europe, Asia and North America will remain the global leaders in wind power development for the foreseeable future, a panel session at the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) conference was told on Thursday in Vancouver.

CanWEA President Robert Hornung, in his capacity as a board member of the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC), added that the wind power sector in Latin America, Africa and the Middle East, and Australia and New Zealand should also show remarkably rapid growth in coming years.

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Canadian wind power is surging but industry needs political certainty

» By | Published 06 Oct 2011 |

Canada’s wind energy sector has recently become a national success story and the next five years should see continual rapid growth in the industry, the president of the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) said Wednesday in Vancouver.

But Robert Hornung also told people attending CanWEA’s annual conference that there is significant political uncertainty about the long-term prospects for Canada’s wind market beyond 2016.

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