Drinking water made by wind turbines?

» By | Published 09 May 2012 |

Over one billion people worldwide live without access to safe drinking water, and the pressures of climate change and a rising global population mean this figure is likely to increase. A French wind company is trying to alleviate this problem – inventing the first wind turbine that can produce drinking water by condensing the air.

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Onshore wind generates jobs and investments

» By | Published 08 May 2012 |

If you think the UK media report mostly anti-wind stories you could be right. But news just out could help to stem the flow of wind power criticism. Wind farms generate millions for the economy and create thousands of jobs, a new UK government-backed study has found.

The study followed the fortunes of 18 wind farms and found that communities around those farms received around £84 million (€104 million) in 2011, with 1,100 local jobs supported. BiGGAR Economics, an independent UK consultancy and author of the study, said that in total Britain’s onshore wind farms supported 8,600 jobs and were worth £548 million (€680 million) to the UK economy last year.

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Wind energy is on everyone’s mind

» By | Published 07 May 2012 |

Windpower Austria - Andreas Hafenscher

Global Wind Day on 15 June is getting closer and closer, and last weekend EWEA’s and GWEC’s international photo competition ‘Wind in Mind’ came to a close.

The interest and number of submissions has been overwhelming. All corners of the world are represented in the 2,100 photographs that were sent in from over 65 countries.

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Winner announced: Free movement of electricity quiz

» By | Published 03 May 2012 |

Taamir Fareed

Many of those at EWEA 2012 in April will have seen – or taken part in – the Free movement of electricity quiz at the EWEA stand. The winner of the Amazon Kindle has now been announced: it is Taamir Fareed, who works for a private equity fund which invests in wind energy, and is also a board member of the Finnish Wind Energy Association.

Other quiz winners got a mini-turbine. Overall, nearly 200 people took the quiz during the four-day event.

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Bremerhaven: from dying port to buzzing wind hub

» By | Published 01 May 2012 |

“I was born and studied in Bremerhaven, but when I left in 1996, there were no career opportunities there”, says Ronny Meyer.

BY the mid-1990s, the shipping and fishing industries that had traditionally dominated north-west Germany, where Bremerhaven is situated were dying, and there was felt to be no future.

“The unemployment rate was very high and anyone who had studied was leaving the city”, says Meyer.

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