Binding 2030 renewable energy target will preserve European wind power’s lead

» By | Published 07 Jun 2012 |

European politicians need to endorse a new binding 2030 target for renewable energy sources if they want to take advantage of the EU’s position as global technological leader in onshore and offshore wind power. That was the message Wednesday from Stephane Bourgeois, Head of Regulatory Affairs at  the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) in Brussels, following the European Commission’s Communication on “Renewable energy: a major player in the European energy market.” continue reading »

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Will the Chinese wind power dragon falter?

» By | Published 07 Jun 2012 |

The Chinese economy is growing at a phenomenal rate. In Beijing, from the shiny, high-rise office buildings to slick underground trains, China’s economic expansion is clear. And the Chinese wind power sector has surged too, with over 62 GW now installed, making it the world’s number one.

But growth rates stabilised a while ago, and cracks began to appear. In 2010-11 the shine on Chinese wind power started to tarnish as it emerged that accidents were happening, grid connection rates were poor and quantity had clearly been given the upper hand over quality.

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Wind energy needs more EU funding

» By | Published 06 Jun 2012 |

EWEA public debate

The European Wind Energy Association believes it, and now the European Commission has confirmed it believes it too: wind energy creates economic growth and jobs.

In fact, in a Communication on renewable energy published today, the Commission says that a strong growth in renewables “could generate over 3 million jobs” and “would result in a net GDP growth by 0.36-0.4% by 2030”.

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Spreading the word about wind energy in Sofia

» By | Published 06 Jun 2012 |

By the BGWEA team

On this year’s Global Wind Day, the Bulgarian Wind Energy Association (BGWEA) is holding an outdoor poster exhibition on wind energy. The exhibition is taking place from 11 – 19 June on “Lovers Bridge” near the National Palace of Culture in Sofia. The official opening is on Global Wind Day, June 15.

Bulgaria is still an emerging market for renewable energy technologies with only about 600 MW of wind power installed. How wind energy works and the ecological and economic benefits it brings is still a mystery to many.

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US government support for wind power means jobs

» By | Published 05 Jun 2012 |

EWEA Communications Director Julian Scola

Julian Scola, EWEA’s Communication Director, is attending the American Wind Energy Association’s Windpower event in Atlanta…in this blog he reports the latest wind energy news from the US…

American jobs and manufacturing is the rallying cry of the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) in its efforts to get the vital ‘Production Tax Credit’ extended.

The PTC is the main Federal support for wind energy and runs out at the end of the year. The uncertainty has already led to job losses and projects being shelved.

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