Onshore wind cheaper than fossil fuels by 2016

» By | Published 13 Jun 2012 |

Some  of the UK’s media is quick to publish anti-wind power stories, so it came as a surprise when this week British papers picked up on a new study by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change on onshore wind energy.

The paper entitled, ‘the case for and against onshore wind energy in the UK,’ says that onshore wind energy will be as cheap as fossil fuels by 2016 – just four years away.

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Bringing wind energy to schools in Ireland

» By | Published 12 Jun 2012 |

By Johanna Cafferkey, Irish Wind Energy Association

IWEA are hosting three KidWind courses starting the week of the 11 June. KidWind Ireland is a project that seeks to support teachers all over Ireland to access training programs and equipment in wind energy. The primary aim of the KidWind program is to train and equip teachers at primary and second level to teach their own students about wind energy and provide knowledge about the industry and topic.

IWEA is also celebrating safety in wind on 14 June in Dublin with the 2nd annual Health and Safety event.
Global Wind Day specific activities will commence on the 1st June continues until the 26th June and will include a number of surprises. continue reading »

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Renewables slowed emissions growth – EEA

» By | Published 11 Jun 2012 |

Much has been made of the European Environment Agency (EEA)’s recent report that greenhouse gas emissions increased in 2010. But what is equally as interesting is the key role that renewables including wind played in containing further emissions growth.

The EEA reported last week that EU greenhouse gas increased by 2.4 % in 2010 as a result of economic recovery in many countries after the 2009 recession and a colder winter. “This rebound effect was expected as most of Europe came out of recession,” said EEA executive director Jacqueline McGlade. “However, the increase could have been even higher without the fast expansion of renewable energy generation in the EU,” she insisted. continue reading »

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WindMade brings Global Wind Day to business community at Rio+20

» By | Published 11 Jun 2012 |

By Angelika Pullen, Communication Director, WindMade

On 15 June, WindMade will bring wind power directly to around 2,000 progressive companies, as we will celebrate Global Wind Day in Rio de Janeiro, at the UN Global Compact’s Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum (15-18 June). WindMade is the official Sustainability Partner of this event.

We are of course delighted to be partnering with the UN on this event. I think that it will give us a unique opportunity to directly address an audience that, as the wind sector, I think we do not speak to enough: the business community. We tend to forget that there are many progressive companies out there looking to improve their environmental footprint, and as a result potentially interested in investing in wind power.

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Global Kiter Foundation & Enel Green Power Hellas: GWD 2012 Greece

» By | Published 08 Jun 2012 |

By Charles Werner, Global Kiter Foundation

To mark Global Wind Day 2012 the Global Kiter Foundation, in partnership with Enel Green Power Hellas, is putting together a special weekend of activities dedicated to education and empowerment – including kite flying lessons! The event is focused on discovering wind, its power and the possibilities it holds to change our world.

The weekend is taking place in Karystos and Nea Stira, South Evia on the 9th and 10th of June- slightly earlier than GWD due to the national Greek elections taking place the weekend of the 15th. continue reading »

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