China to reach 100 GW of wind power by 2015

» By | Published 09 Jan 2013 |

154287299Despite the on-going global economic slowdown, growth predictions about China’s wind power sector are optimistic. On Monday, the deputy director general of China’s National Energy Administration acknowledged that wind energy is the third largest source of electricity in the world’s most populous nation after thermal and hydro power.

“Wind power has become the third-largest electric power in China,” Liu Qi said. “There is no electric power to substitute the position of wind power as number three, following thermal power and hydropower.”

A press release noted that China’s current energy policy says that wind power in the nation will be developed efficiently because it “is the non-hydro renewable energy with the biggest possibility of large-scale development and market utilisation at the moment.”

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Wind energy on a financial rollercoaster

» By | Published 08 Jan 2013 |

Money. We’d all like to have more of it. But times are hard and finance is difficult to come by – a fact the wind energy sector is no stranger to.

When I first joined EWEA in 2009 wind energy growth rates were sky-rocketing – with wind capacity growth outpacing growth rates in coal, gas and oil in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Now, nearly four years later, growth rates have stabilised. Last year’s European statistics show stable growth rates in onshore wind energy, and high growth rates in offshore wind energy but the fact remains that 2013 and possibly beyond, will be tough.

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French wind power covers record 10 percent of demand

» By | Published 07 Jan 2013 |

Right at the end of last year, on 29 December, wind power in France covered a record 10% of the country’s electricity demand, the French blog “habitat durable” reported. France’s wind power fleet reached a power production equivalent to 5,982 MW – the same level as six nuclear reactors.

During the month of December in general, wind energy met 4% of France’s electricity needs, and in 2012 the average level was 3% – meeting the electricity needs of 6 million people.

“Wind energy production during recent weeks illustrates the characteristic trait of French wind energy: every year, wind energy production is higher during the coldest months,” the blog said.

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Last-minute deal in US extends successful wind power incentive

» By | Published 03 Jan 2013 |
The Capitol in Washington

The Capitol in Washington

It came a day late, but US politicians in Washington finally approved on Tuesday a major piece of legislation that would increase taxes only on the most wealthy Americans as well as extending the highly-successful Production Tax Credit (PTC) on wind power projects.

Backed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives, the bill was designed to stop the nation going over the so-called “fiscal cliff” 31 December because of planned tax increases for almost all Americans and aggressive program cutbacks.

One of the key elements of the bill was to keep promoting America’s quest for increased amounts of green energy. As such, it contained a provision to extend the PTC — a tax incentive that has been instrumental in driving growth in the rapidly-expanding US wind energy sector — through the end of 2013.

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New wind turbine blade designs could reduce costs

» By | Published 26 Dec 2012 |
Siemens 75m turbine under construction

Siemens 75m turbine under construction

In the well known Greek myth, Icarus, attempting to fly with wings that his father had constructed from feathers and wax, ignores instructions not to fly too close to the sun, the wax melts and he falls into the sea and drowns. If the wind industry is to develop its full potential, it must ensure that the wings of its turbines are technologically advanced enough for them to be viable producers of energy both economically and sustainably. Feathers and wax will not do. Only the continuous improvement of rotor blades will allow the sector to tap into more moderate wind speed markets and enable off-shore wind farms to become truly cost effective.

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