French favour renewables, but perceive high costs

» By | Published 18 Jan 2013 |

Nine in ten people in France are in favour of renewable energy, a survey published on Thursday in Le Monde’s annual special publication Le Bilan du monde found, largely because of their clean and non-polluting image. Moreover, 63% of those surveyed said they think that more renewables will be used than traditional fuels in 50 years’ time.

However, only half of those surveyed consider renewable energies to be a cheap energy option and some 68% said the biggest obstacle to the development of renewables is their cost. 26% said wind farm aesthetics was the biggest hurdle, but 68% said they would accept the installation of wind turbines in their district with 45% of the 68% saying they would also accept turbines in their line of vision.

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Ontario will close down all coal-fired electricity plants

» By | Published 16 Jan 2013 |

Ontario, Canada’s most populous province with a population equivalent to Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales combined, has decided to abandon coal-fired electricity a year ahead of schedule.

“The early closure is a result of Ontario’s strong conservation efforts, a smarter electricity grid and a diverse supply of cleaner energy,” Dalton McGuinty, Ontario’s Premier said. “Shutting down the last coal plants in Southern Ontario will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and save the province $ CAN95 million (€72.4 million).”

In a press release, the Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) said Ontario has reduced use of coal by 90% since 2003 while at the same time bringing online 2,000 MW of clean, emissions-free wind energy, up from 400 MW in 2006.

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France to invest €3.5 billion in offshore wind energy

» By | Published 15 Jan 2013 |
French ecology minister Delphine Batho

French ecology minister Delphine Batho

After months of uncertainty, French Ecology Minister Delphine Batho finally announced last week the second phase of a call for tenders for the construction of €3.5 billion worth of offshore wind farms to generate 1,000 megawatts of electricity.

The announcement followed up on a promise made by French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault during a government-hosted conference on the environment in September at which he and President François Hollande promised a plan to kick-start the renewables industry in France.

According to Batho, the projects will create 10,000 industrial jobs. The wind farms are planned for construction near Treport, in northern France, and near the Noirmoutier and Île d’Yeu islands on the Atlantic coast.

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Forecasting key to wind energy future

» By | Published 14 Jan 2013 |
George Kariniotakis, lead session chair of forecasting at EWEA 2013

George Kariniotakis, lead session chair of forecasting at EWEA 2013

A weather forecast might be something you look at when deciding whether or not to take an umbrella with you in the morning, but for wind energy it is vitally important and contributes to the efficient management of wind-powered electricity. We spoke to George Kariniotakis, lead session chair of forecasting at EWEA’s 2013 Annual Event to find out more.

Can you describe the role wind forecasting plays in the wind power sector?

Forecasting the power output of wind farms in the next hours or days is of primary importance for the management of a power system with high wind penetration. Power system operators need to anticipate the necessary electricity generation to meet the electricity demand at each moment. The challenge comes when a large share of the generation depends on weather conditions, as is the case for wind energy. Wind power forecasts are useful for power system scheduling, congestion management, storage management, reserves allocation and other functions. Wind farm operators also need forecasts to participate in a day-ahead electricity market or to plan maintenance of wind farms.

What are the current technologies used?

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Belgian economic recovery powered by wind

» By | Published 10 Jan 2013 |

Wind energy’s contribution to Belgian GDP has risen by 69% in four years (2007-2011), new findings show. This is a rate far higher than the growth of GDP itself, making wind energy a catalyst for Belgium’s economic recovery. The wind sector brought €335.3 million to the Belgian economy in 2011.

The figures come from a Deloitte study which also finds that national wind energy jobs have increased by 74% while the overall employment rate has gone up by just 3.7% (a figure 20 times lower) since 2007.

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