Brussels run for Renewable World

» By | Published 31 May 2011 |

This weekend EWEA’s very own Sarah Azau ran a half-marathon in Brussels raising money for Renewable World – a charity that supports the development of renewable energy projects in some of the world’s poorest countries – we caught up with her the day after the race…

How did the race go and how do you feel today?

It went well and I am really happy with my time – I completed the 20 km course in 1 hour 38 minutes. But it was a tough race; I ran quicker than I normally do so at times I really had to will myself to keep going. Plus with 30,000 runners you spend a lot of time trying to overtake people, which can be a bit frustrating! However, the great support of the crowd and, above all, the knowledge that I was running to support the fantastic work of Renewable World really spurred me on.

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Google invests in more emissions-free wind power

» By | Published 26 May 2011 |

Rick Needham, Google

Google Inc. is living up to its reputation as an environmentally-conscious company determined to take its part in a green energy revolution by providing €39 million to help finance a massive wind farm in southern California.

Rick Needham, Google’s Director of Green Business Operations, said this week that the search engine company has now invested more than €284 million in wind power and other renewables. He was speaking at the WINDPOWER 2011 Conference & Exhibition in California, organised by the American Wind Energy Association.

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Renewable energy target of 45% by 2030 vital

» By | Published 24 May 2011 |

The European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) has called for a binding target to reach a 45% share of renewable energy in the overall energy mix by 2030, building on the EU’s current targets to reach 20% by 2020.

Today’s call, made at Europe’s Renewable Energy Policy Conference in Brussels, comes as political momentum is steaming ahead for a post-2020 renewable energy target.

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UK National Grid launches pylon design competition

» By | Published 23 May 2011 |

The UK’s National Grid launched an unusual competition last week – to design the electricity pylons of the future that will carry green electricity from onshore and offshore wind farms, and other power sources, to the consumer. The UK has around 88,000 pylons built in a steel lattice tower using a design that has barely changed since the 1920s.

Chris Huhne, UK Energy and Climate Change Secretary, said: “the dual challenge of climate change and energy security puts us on the brink of a new energy construction age. The equivalent of twenty new power stations is needed by 2020, much more beyond that, and they’ll all need connecting to the grid.”

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US wind power to experience amazing growth in next five years

» By | Published 23 May 2011 |

The US wind power industry is expected to experience the second highest rate of revenue growth when compared to other national industry sectors between 2010 and 2016, according to a new market research report which tracks shifting economic data.

Released on Monday, IBISWorld’s report on the top 10 fastest growing American industries forecast that revenue generated by the wind energy sector would grow 11.2% in the next five years.

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