Google invests in $5-billion offshore wind project

» By | Published 14 Oct 2010 |

Google has given its strongest backing yet to wind energy by investing in a proposed $5-billion offshore wind underwater network project that could keep the lights on in homes and businesses from New Jersey to Virginia.

The project has been described by The New York Times as having the potential to “ultimately transform the region’s electrical map.” The newspaper also said the 563-kilometre underwater spine could remove some critical obstacles to offshore wind power development, and has excited investors, government officials and environmentalists.

In a posting to its blog by Rick Needham, Green Business Operations Director, Google said the project will accelerate offshore wind development in the United States while being both good for business and the environment. continue reading »


Celebrating a decade of renewable energy

» By | Published 13 Oct 2010 |

By guest blogger Eleanor Smith, European Renewable Energy Council

Renewable energies have come a long way over the last decade, growing beyond expectations in some sectors. Now, renewable energies are considered mainstream, but 10 years ago no-one ever thought renewable energies were a serious threat to the conventional, fossil fuels sector.

Speaking at an event organised by the European Renewable Energy Council (EREC), former MEP Mechtild Rothe said that back then everyone was in favour of renewables, even the nuclear and coal sectors. Arthouros Zervos, President of EREC and EWEA, said that 10 years ago renewable energy leaders were so far away from developing into a concern to the fossil fuel sector that they were considered, “not crazy, but almost”.

Changes in attitude started to filter through as European legislation on increasing the use of renewables became a reality. This political leadership alongside the organisation of renewable energy sectors, the formation of EREC, economies of scale, subsidies from national and regional governments, gas supply interruptions, talk about finite fossil fuels, peak oil and climate change lead to the growth of the sector, Patrick Lambert from the European Commission said at the event celebrating EREC’s 10th anniversary in Brussels. continue reading »


Report reveals offshore wind power in the U.S. has tremendous potential

» By | Published 13 Oct 2010 |

Offshore wind power along U.S. coastlines has a gross potential generating capacity four times greater than the nation’s present electric capacity, a new report by a national laboratory has found.

Saying that harnessing “this large and inexhaustible resource” can help mitigate climate change, increase energy security, and stimulate the U.S. economy, the report said that 54 GW of offshore wind power could be built by 2030.

Conducted by the Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), the study — called “Large-Scale Offshore Wind Power In The United States” — found that offshore wind could help the nation meet 20% of its electricity demand in two decades. continue reading »


Breath of Fresh Air: over 7,000 people have supported EWEA’s campaign!

» By | Published 12 Oct 2010 |

The winter is fast approaching and so is the end of EWEA’s 2010 campaign to get as many turbines adopted across Europe as possible. So far, over 3,000 of you have adopted a turbine and more than 4,000 of you have voted in our competition to win a trip to a wind farm.

Spain is the leading country with over 400 turbines adopted, just trailed by Italy with 375 adoptions. The UK has 348 turbines adopted, while France is just under with 341 adoptions.

With two top prizes available – a weekend break in Copenhagen including a visit to a wind farm and a two-day break in the Swiss Jura Mountains including a trip to a wind farm and a snow-shoe tour if it snows – it is not surprising that the voting contest has taken off with a bang. Some turbine adopters have managed to gather over 400 votes putting them in good stead for the prizes.

If you still haven’t adopted your very own turbine, there’s plenty of time to do so – by the end of December 2010. Give yourself the chance to win one of the two trips abroad by encouraging all your friends and family to vote for your turbine. Visit our campaign website and adopt now!


Huge wind farms in the U.S. given the go-ahead by military officials

» By | Published 08 Oct 2010 |

Wind energy proposals in the U.S. should face one less hurdle now that the Pentagon has given approval to eight wind farms after determining they would not interfere with a nearby military radar facility.

According to a story in The Oregonian, officials at the Pentagon determined the risk that the proposed wind farms in Oregon and Washington state would negatively impact operations at an Air Defence Radar Station near Fossil was “manageable.”

Published last Friday, the story said the decision gives “the national security green light” to the eight projects with 1,128 turbines. continue reading »
