Global Wind Day animates the EU quarter

» By | Published 15 Jun 2011 |

A colourful display of flowing, tasselled lanterns, undulating kites that look like clouds racing across the sky, and an airy gymnastic performance to match, is taking place in the heart of Brussels’ EU quarter today.

The context is Global Wind Day – 15 June – when all around the world events are taking place in honour of the power that resides in the wind – power that creates electricity and can bring us a greener future free from dependence on polluting and expensive fossil fuels. continue reading »


Italy says no to nuclear for second time

» By | Published 15 Jun 2011 |

Hot on the heels of Germany’s decision to abandon nuclear power by 2022 comes an announcement from Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi that Italy will have to give up its plans to revive nuclear power, concentrating on renewable energy instead.

“We shall have to say good-bye to nuclear,” he said on Monday.

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Canadians get ready for Global Wind Day festivities

» By | Published 14 Jun 2011 |

Just last week the Canadian Wind Energy Association, CanWEA, issued a report showing that wind energy developments in Ontario, Canada’s most populated and second largest province, will create more than 80,000 person years of employment and attract more than €11.4 billion in private sector investments in the next eight years.

And this week, Canada will be hosting its very own Global Wind Day festivities.

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Australia looks forward to its first Global Wind Day!

» By | Published 14 Jun 2011 |

By Marju Tonisson, Infigen Energy

It’s the first time Global Wind Day will be celebrated in Australia. As it turns out, we couldn’t have delayed it any longer. When the Open Day at Capital Wind Farm, near a small town Bungendore in New South Wales, Australia was planned, we expected no more than 50 visitors. With less than 24 hours to go until the first tour, 340 people have registered.

It looks like it’s going to rain, the temperature will be hovering around 5 degrees, and naturally, it will be windy. Despite all this, organisers at Infigen Energy are looking forward to talking about wind turbines and how wind power is turned into electricity.

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Kiwis to embrace wind as New Zealand celebrates Global Wind Day

» By | Published 09 Jun 2011 |

“Although you can’t see the wind, you can feel its power.”

That’s the way the New Zealand Wind Energy Association (NZWEA) began its campaign to encourage local residents to celebrate the nation’s first involvement with Global Wind Day festivities next Wednesday.

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