Environment groups back electricity grid extension and modernisation

» By | Published 11 Nov 2011 |

Environmental organisations and electricity operators are backing the modernisation and expansion of European power grids to unlock the full potential of renewables.

In a letter sent to Günther Oettinger, European commissioner for energy, nine national grid operators, 10 environmental organisations – including BirdLife International and WWF – and five other organisations said they backing the European Commission’s energy infrastructure plans published last month.

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IEA report warns on climate, reports on fossil fuel subsidies

» By | Published 10 Nov 2011 |

“Fossil fuels got six times more aid than clean energy, IEA says” – Bloomberg

“World headed for irreversible climate change in five years, IEA warns” – Guardian

“IEA warns on global energy policies” – Financial Times

These are just three of the headlines on the International Energy Agency’s 2011 World Energy Outlook published on Wednesday and widely reported by the world’s media.

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Commissioner stresses importance of “binding targets” for renewables

» By | Published 09 Nov 2011 |

The EU Commissioner for Climate Change emphasised the role of targets in boosting investments in renewable energy at an EWEA event last night.

“It makes good business sense to invest in renewables yet people aren’t doing it”, said Commissioner Connie Hedegaard, pointing out that “this is one lesson we’ve learned in Europe in the last ten years – it helps when we have targets and it helps even more when we have binding targets.”

Earlier in the debate, she specifically referred to her “hope” for “milestones” in the European Commission’s upcoming 2050 Energy Roadmap, due out in December.

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US tax incentives help American wind energy sector bounce back

» By | Published 04 Nov 2011 |

While the US experienced a significant dip in new installed wind power capacity last year due to the ongoing financial crisis, polarised politics and concerns over federal tax incentives, the industry has robustly bounced back, the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) reports.

Not only that, but wind energy is now more affordable than ever as new installations are saving customers money on their electric bills while utilities rush to lock in long-term favourable rates.

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Wind power in China could reach 1000GW of capacity by 2050

» By | Published 31 Oct 2011 |

China is continuing to put increased emphasis on its expanding domestic wind power sector to help provide ever-increasing amounts of emissions-free electricity.

The latest evidence of China’s unrelenting faith in wind power comes in a report that predicts the rapidly-developing Asian nation could have 1,000 GW of installed wind power capacity by 2050.

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