Everything you wanted to know about offshore but were afraid to ask…

» By | Published 23 Nov 2011 |

This time next week Amsterdam will be a hive of activity for anyone interested in the offshore wind energy sector. We spoke to Heiko Ross from Windreich to uncover what he thinks will be the hot topics at his session at EWEA’s OFFSHORE 2011 conference…

Why is offshore wind energy expensive compared to onshore wind energy?

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BirdLife backs 2030 renewable energy target

» By | Published 23 Nov 2011 |

BirdLife Europe is calling for “ambitious” and “binding” EU renewable energy targets for 2030. In its new report, ‘Meeting Europe’s Renewable Energy Targets in Harmony with Nature’, the conservation body says that renewable energy targets can be met without harming nature.

Ariel Brunner, head of EU policy at BirdLife, stated that “climate change is a grave threat to wildlife…wind, wave and ocean power are essential and effective ways to cut carbon emissions, and do not need to put birds, bats or other wildlife in danger.”

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New global report predicts glowing future for wind power sector

» By | Published 17 Nov 2011 |

For the second month in a row, a leading American research and consulting firm that analyses global clean technology markets has released a report forecasting a robustly healthy future for the wind energy sector.

Conducted by Pike Research, the latest report claims that wind power installations by 2017 will represent a €113 billion global industry, up from €57 billion in 2011.

Over that period, the report added, the cumulative investment in new wind power capacity will total €606 billion.

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Germany will install the most wind power up until 2020

» By | Published 16 Nov 2011 |

Germany, the UK, Spain and France will install the most wind power capacity between 2011 and 2020 in Europe, new statistics show. Up until 2011, 15% of new capacity will be installed in Germany, 14% in the UK, 13% in Spain and 12% in France.

These statistics, contained in the European Wind Energy Association’s Pure Power report, show a more diverse picture than the early days of modern wind power which saw Denmark, Germany and Spain with a clear wind power lead over the rest of Europe.

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Wind turbines have become a symbol of clean energy

» By | Published 15 Nov 2011 |

Cross-posted from the Estonian Wind Power Association’s blog – November 11, 2011

If you type green, clean, modern, renewable or wind energy into a Google images search the results are mainly images of wind power plants and farms, said Werner Nystrand, the Swedish photographer, who spoke at last month’s Wind Power Conference in Tallinn and who takes breathtakingly beautiful pictures of wind power plants and their surroundings.

Everybody knows the symbols of Paris and Sydney – Eiffel Tower and Opera House. And today everybody also knows the symbol of clean energy – a wind turbine. These symbols are easy to draw and therefore easy to remember and people relate them to emotions and values. These values and emotions are not actually in the symbol but through cultural impressions we associate these values with the symbol.

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