Wind power can help governments deal with accelerating climate change crisis

» By | Published 22 Nov 2012 |

As delegates and observers get ready for the annual UN conference on climate change which begins next Monday in Doha, they will have lots of reports to consider as they being working towards the goal of extending the existing Kyoto Protocol designed to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions.

According to one of those studies, The Emissions Gap Report, which was coordinated by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the European Climate Foundation, shows that greenhouse gas emissions are now about 14% above where they need to be in 2020.

Released Wednesday, the report says that the concentration of warming gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) has increased 20% since 2000.
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A shifting global energy balance will include wind power, new report says

» By | Published 14 Nov 2012 |

Wind power and other renewables will become the become the world’s second-largest source of power generation by 2015 and close in on coal as the primary source by 2035, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).

“A steady increase in hydropower and the rapid expansion of wind and solar power has cemented the position of renewables as an indispensable part of the global energy mix,” the IEA said Monday in its annual World Energy Outlook report.

“The rapid increase in renewable energy is underpinned by falling technology costs, rising fossil-fuel prices and carbon pricing, but mainly by continued subsidies: from $88 billion globally in 2011, they rise to nearly $240 billion in 2035,” the report added. continue reading »


How noisy is a wind turbine?

» By | Published 13 Nov 2012 |

Wind turbine noise has hit the headlines recently, but the issues aren’t as clear-cut as some media say. We spoke to Dr. Jeremy Bass, Senior Technical Manager at RES, to uncover a few technical details…

How would you describe the noise a wind turbine makes?

It depends on where you stand and listen!

A typical modern wind turbine, at source, produces noise which is dominated by broadband aerodynamic noise from the blades, and this typically has a noise emission spectrum similar to a ‘hushing’ sound. continue reading »


Do wind turbines really ruin a good night’s sleep?

» By | Published 07 Nov 2012 |

A new study has hit the headlines claiming that “wind turbines can ruin a good night’s sleep,” as the UK’s Daily Mail put it. It is apparently the first study to clearly link wind farms to sleep problems for those living in proximity.

Scratch a little deeper and you might find that the study – based on a questionnaire given to two sets of adults in Maine, USA, one living near a wind farm and one not – is not quite as conclusive as it first might seem.

First, the sample size is small, “twenty-three and 15 adults at the Mars Hill and Vinalhaven sites respectively, completed the questionnaires. Recruitment of participants into the far group continued until there were similar numbers as in the near group, 25 and 16 for Mars Hill and Vinalhaven, respectively,” the study itself says. Secondly, “it was clear to the respondents that the questionnaire was directed at investigating adverse health effects potentially associated with IWT [Industrial Wind Turbines] and no distractor questions were included,” again quoted directly from the study.

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Onshore wind has important role to play in the UK’s future, Energy Secretary says

» By | Published 02 Nov 2012 |

EU Energy Minister John Hayes

It’s been a tumultuous week for the wind power sector in the UK with reports and developments underscoring the industry’s benefits while a furor was breaking out over whether Energy Minister John Hayes had overstepped his position on the popular renewable technology.

By Thursday, Green Party MP Caroline Lucas was wondering publicly if Hayes’s mis-directed anti-wind farm views allow the new Conservative energy minister to even have a future in Britain’s energy department.

Lucas, in a Guardian story, said Hayes’s comments “represent the latest intervention in a co-ordinated campaign by an anti-renewables lobby with vested interests in propping up the declining fossil fuel industries. They peddle a number of myths – on effectiveness, cost and public opinion – which must be challenged.” continue reading »
