Wind energy is bright light in an otherwise grim report

» By | Published 24 Apr 2013 |

Maria van der Hoeven, IEA

The continued expansion of wind power, coupled with a decrease in costs for the emissions-free electricity-generating technology, was one of the few positive notes in a new International Energy Agency (IEA) report on efforts to create a low-carbon world.

The IEA report, which was presented in India last week to the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM), said that wind power capacity grew by 19% from 2011 to 2012 despite ongoing economic problems.

In its report, Tracking Clean Energy Progress, the IEA described onshore wind power as “one of the most cost-competitive renewable energy sources” and noted generation from 2000 to 2011 increased by 400 TWh (+27% per year), reaching an estimated 435 TWh in 2011.

By 2017, the report said, onshore wind generation is expected to reach almost 1,000 TWh.

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A hat-trick is the goal in the football and energy fields

» By | Published 23 Apr 2013 |

120921910Football fans know the value of a hat-trick – the triumvirate of goals that prove success for any striker. Though difficult to achieve, the hat-trick is worth striving for.

The European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) also wants to score a hat-trick. Their new publication proposes three targets to drive EU energy policy after 2020: renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency.

“This would yield more benefits for European citizens and industries than a one-legged policy” based on a greenhouse gas only approach, say EREC.

“The message is simple: if you want to lower costs, create jobs, replace fossil fuel imports and drive innovation, competitiveness and investment, then a hat-trick of climate and energy goals works best”, said Rainer Hinrich-Rahlwes, President of EREC.

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Massive wind power installations could help New York cast off fossil fuels

» By | Published 19 Apr 2013 |
New York City

New York City

Wind energy could play a major role in providing all the power needed for the entire state of New York by 2030, according to a new academic study.

New York’s power demand for all sectors in 17 years time could be met, in part, by 4,020 onshore 5-megawatt wind turbines and 12,770 offshore 5-MW machines, the study by researchers from Cornell, Stanford and the University of California-Davis found.

Harnessing power from water and sunlight would also be part of the alternative energy plan for New York, which has close to 20 million people and is the third most populated state in the US.

“Converting to wind, water and sunlight is feasible, will stabilize costs of energy and will produce jobs while reducing health and climate damage,” study co-author Mark Jacobson, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Stanford, was quoted as saying.

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Poland’s true wind energy potential is 13 GW by 2020

» By | Published 16 Apr 2013 |

wind farmPoland is the biggest wind energy market in the EU’s newer Member States, but wobbles in government support have made investors nervous. We spoke to Ewa Kurdyła, Director of the Polish Wind Energy Association, to find out what’s going on…

 Poland’s National Renewable Energy Action Plan indicates that cumulative wind capacity should increase by an average of 500 MW per year to reach 6,650 MW in 2020 – do you think this will happen?

Despite significant growth of the wind energy sector in the recent years it may be very difficult to meet our targets – in particular for 2020. This is caused by the lack of regulations enabling a stable development of the sector. In recent months the mood among the investors has been very bad. However, we mustn’t forget that the true market potential of wind energy in Poland by 2020 is approximately 11.5 GW onshore and 1.5 GW offshore, according to the independent Renewable Energy Institute.

These figures are much higher than those in the Polish National Renewable Energy Action Plan. Therefore, I think that in the long term the industry may substantially increase its share in the national energy mix. This is primarily due to technological development. The climate of political will, which today determines the development of renewables, may also be of key importance.

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80% of Irish people support wind power in Ireland

» By | Published 15 Apr 2013 |

caitriona_smBy Caitríona Diviney, Chief Operating Officer,  Irish Wind Energy Association

80% of the Irish public support wind power, an opinion poll from Ipsos MRBI conducted on behalf of the Irish Wind Energy Association (IWEA), the national wind energy association in Ireland, has revealed.

This is a clear indication that there is widespread support for wind energy in Ireland.

The strong support for wind should also serve as a positive marker for policy-makers to continue the transition to a green economy and embrace all of the benefits that can be accrued by all. continue reading »
