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Role of regional cooperation in delivering the vision of an Energy Union

energy-unionWhen: Tuesday 17 November, 14:00 – 17:10
Where: Espace 2000 A

The European Union’s energy policy agenda during the Luxembourg Presidency will centre on the crucial building blocks of the Energy Union. A consultation on market design will be launched and a policy initiative on governance is expected. At the same time, the European Commission is challenging Member States to move toward more collaborative and market-based support mechanisms for renewable energy.

This workshop will bring together Member State representatives involved in forming national positions on the Energy Union as well as delegates from European Transmission System Operators, regulatory agencies and the wind energy industry.

It will give participants the opportunity to exchange views and foster a debate on how regional cooperation can play a role in delivering the vision of an Energy Union. The debate will focus on today’s pertinent topics including market design, infrastructure and governance.

Participation to this event is by invitation only.