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Science & Research at EWEA 2015

EWEA2015 Scientific Proceedings

Conference delegates will be able to download a digital copy of the scientific proceedings or order a complimentary printed copy which will be delivered to them after the event.

At EWEA 2015 we continue the long-standing tradition of teaming up with the European Academy of Wind Energy (EAWE) to ensure the best content from the science and research community features in the annual conference programme.

As in previous years the Academy’s members from across Europe have reviewed the science & research abstracts and will be topic leaders and session chairs alongside their counterparts representing industry.

All resulting presentations in the conference sessions are indicated as ‘science & research’ and the full papers of these will be compiled in the printed scientific proceedings. Conference delegates can pick up a free copy of the scientific proceedings outside the conference session rooms during the event. These full papers will also be available to full conference delegates in the online proceedings along with all other presentations and posters at the end of the event.

EAWE is a registered body of research institutions and universities in Europe working on wind energy research and development: a vital academic, research community to keep Europe in the world fore-front of wind energy pre-competitive innovation. Founded in 2004, the Academy formulates and executes joint R&D projects and coordinates high quality scientific research and education on wind energy at a European level. For full information on the academy visit their website