Invest in Turkey – Investment Climate in Turkey

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Exhibition hall event organised by TWEA, the Turkish Wind Energy Association.
Wednesday 18 April 2012 – 16:00 – 17:30
Exhibition Hall E, Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark


  • Introduction
    Mustafa Serdar Ataseven, Chairman, TWEA
  • Wind Energy Policies in Turkey 
    Mustafa Demirol, Electrical Engineer- Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources
  • Turkish Power System Overview
    Ercüment Özdemirci,  Deputy Manager – Turkish Electricity Transmission Company
  • Licensing Procedure For Wind Energy
    Yücel Yaman, Energy Expert- Republic of Turkey Energy Market Regulatory Authority
  • Investment Climate in Turkey
    Fatih Altunyuva, Senior Project Director, Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Investment Support and Promotion Agency

Register to attend the ‘Invest in Turkey’ event

Attendance at this event is free of charge, but you must also be registered to attend the main EWEA 2012 event, as a conference delegate, exhibition visitor or exhibitor. Register to attend EWEA 2012