Science and research

Track Chair: Peter Tavner, Emeritus Professor, School of Engineering & Computing Sciences, Durham University, United Kingdom

The EWEA2012 Scientific and Research Track is organised by the European Academy of Wind Energy, a world-leading Wind Energy Academic & Research Community. The Scientific and Research Track aims to bring EWEA2012 Delegates leading edge wind energy research results, keeping Europe in the fore-front of wind energy pre-competitive innovation. The Scientific Track offers a forum for in-depth presentations and discussions on progress and results of wind-energy-related scientific research.  The intended audiences will be colleague-researchers and engineers from R&D institutions, universities and industry. The scope of work presented will range from long-term research to analysis, development and improvement of design tools.

The Scientific and Research Track is not intended to address the direct application of R&D results and tools, which will be presented in the General Tracks.

Sessions in this track:

  • Wind turbine response: modelling and measurements;
  • Wind turbine arrays and grid issues;
  • Wind turbine up-scaling research;
  • De-risking offshore wind turbine design;
  • Offshore wind energy resource and wakes;
  • Innovative wind turbine drive train research;
  • Innovative wind turbine control;
  • The reliable wind turbine: what can intelligent health monitoring achieve?

For more details of all sessions, view the online programme

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