Integration in electricity systems and markets

Track Chair: Frans van Hulle, European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), Belgium

The track is oriented towards presenters and delegates who are active or interested in technical, policy, regulatory and market aspects of wind power integration. It will touch upon the principal integration issues and challenges of today, as well as exploring possible solutions for the future. These principal issues include the design of power systems with high wind power penetration, grid infrastructure planning, wind power plant capabilities (against the backdrop of grid requirements), and finally the design of electricity markets that support the cost-effective running and planning of the European power system. There will be a special emphasis on innovative concepts, solutions and systems that should be developed and implemented (in both the power system and in wind power technology) in order to make the leap forward towards high penetration levels of wind power in Europe.

Sessions in this track:

  • Concept and management of electricity systems of the future with large amounts of wind power;
  • Wind power driving the modernisation of the European network infrastructure;
  • Advanced technical solutions and grid code requirements enabling cost-effective grid support by wind power;
  • Adequate electricity market design concepts for wind power integration;
  • Recommendations and best practice in assessing options for large scale wind integration.

For more details of all sessions, view the online programme

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