Hardware technology

Track Chair: Henning Kruse, Chairman of TPWind

The Hardware track aims to look beyond today and tomorrow by focussing on the mid- and long-term, both in terms of what it takes to reach the EU 2020 targets, but also by giving an insight into the decade beyond 2020. It is not just a question of upscaling today’s technologies, concepts and solutions, but being able to provide intelligent, reliable forecasts and predictions about the future direction of the technology. This track will place a strong emphasis on visionary “out of the box” presentations from the innovative minds that have helped (and will continue to help) Europe to maintain its competitive edge in an increasingly crowded global marketplace.

Sessions in this track:

  • What is too big, and can small be beautiful?
  • Tailored turbines;
  • The intelligent turbine;
  • Hardware quickfire: Technologies for the future;
  • Technology of drive trains;
  • Storage for wind power – do we need it?
  • Logistics and infrastructure, the challenges of installing 30 MW per working day!

For more details of all sessions, view the online programme

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