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14 March 2011

EU wind sector calls for binding 2030 target

In a new report launched at the Opening Session of EWEA 2011, "EU Energy Policy to 2050", EWEA argues that the renewable energy targets set so far have enabled Europe to become world leader in renewable energy technologies, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 

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4 March 2011

EU needs 2030 targets -
energy policy vacuum after 2020

Dear Journalist,
On Monday 14 March 12.00 the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) held a press conference at the EWEA 2011 annual event in Brussels, Europe's largest Wind Energy Event (14 -17 March), chaired by EWEA's CEO Christian Kjaer, including Portugal's Minister for Energy José Zorrinho.

The EU urgently needs to fix post 2020 targets for emissions reductions and renewable energy.

At the four-day event 200 top speakers, CEOs and EU policy-makers including European Climate Action Commissioner Connie Hedegaard (press point Wednesday) will debate EU energy policy beyond 2020 amongst a wide range of policy, technological, financial and other topics with several thousand participants. Key industry actors and bankers from financial and insurance institutes will debate investment strategies given the EU's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80-95% by 2050.
Herman van Rompuy and Jerzy Buzek, the Presidents of the European Council and the European Parliament will address urgently needed political decisions (video messages). Present will be Lykke Friis, Minister for Climate and Energy from Denmark. For the Hungarian EU Presidency, Peter Olajos, State Secretary for Green Economy and Climate Change will lead the debate, as Italy's Secretary of State for Economic Development, Stefano SagliaArthouros Zervos, President, the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), will explain how Europe needs to act to avoid being negatively affected by an EU energy policy vacuum.
420 energy technology companies will attend EWEA 2011 to present the latest in  new wind power technology. The event will take place at Brussels Expo (From "la gare du Midi" station, take the direct metro line 6 direction Roi Baudouin. Get off at Heysel).
The media officer of the European Wind Energy Association, Peter Sennekamp, will be the EWEA press contact person for journalists during EWEA2011 in Brussels.  Please use his GSM number +32 496 91 93 15 or contact him by email: peter.sennekamp(at)ewea.org

See you next year in Copenhagen!

See you next year in Copenhagen



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