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A summary of international collaboration on wind energy R&D tasks

Wednesday, 16 March
Brussels Expo

This event consisted of three sessions that gave an overview on the international research collaboration tasks ongoing at the International Energy Agency (IEA) Implementing Agreement on Wind Energy. Each task involves collaboartion from 8-15 countries working on different topics on wind energy.

Session One:

IEAWIND - increasing social acceptance and estimating the cost and value of wind power


Session two:

IEAWIND work on cold climate, aerodynamics and offshore
Chair: Felix Avia, CENER, Operating Agent Task 11


Session three:

Grid integration session Task 25 Methodologies to estimate wind power impacts to power systems


For more information about this event, please contact Hannele Holtinnen: Hannele.Holttinen(at)vtt.fi

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