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EU offshore wind industry - a Carbon Trust/EWEA event

Technology developments and R&D landscape

Wednesday, 16 March
16:00 - 18:00
Room 1121, Brussels Expo

Event overview and programme

With over 30 R&D programmes underway across the EU, this event offered an overview of the R&D landscape. Attendees were introduced to three leading research initiatives and had the opportunity to discuss potential synergies and research gaps. The event closed with a panel discussion and Q&A including input from leading offshore wind developers.


16:00 -

Welcome by Chair
Filippo Gagliardi, TPWind / EWEA

16:05 -

EU offshore wind industry: latest developments and R&D landscape (pptx: 5MB)
Athanasia Arapogianni, EWEA

16:25 -

Research overview from Carbon Trust (ppt: 7.1MB)
Phil de Villiers, Carbon Trust

16:45 -

Research overview from Risø (ppt: 9.5MB)
Peter Hauge Madsen, Risø DTU

17:05 -

Research overview from NOWITECH
John Tande, NOWITECH

17:25 -

Panel Discussion
Chair: Filippo Gagliardi
Athanasia Arapogianni, EWEA
Phil de Villiers, Carbon Trust
Peter Hauge Madsen, Risø DTU
John Tande, NOWITECH
Jørn Scharling Holm, DONG Energy
Silke Köhler, RWE

For further information, please contact Jan Matthiesen: Jan.Matthiesen(at)CarbonTrust.co.uk


See you next year in Copenhagen!

See you next year in Copenhagen

Conference programme

Side event questions

+32 2 213 1821
